
Your brain is made up of millions of tiny connections that send electrical signals back and forth. These infinitely complex events also decide your character and personality. Researchers at Queen’s University in Ontario have discovered that the human brain processes around 6,200 thoughts a day. That means you have a new thought every 14 seconds or so. These thoughts are specific to the way your brain processes information, and therefore to the way you see the world.
Take a look at these twenty optical illusions. What you see – or rather, how your brain interprets them – says a lot more about your personality than you might think.
Read more on the next page.

Columns or figures?
If your eyes first focused on the lighter parts of the image, you may have seen the three columns. If they jumped to the darker parts, you probably saw two silhouettes. Whichever one you saw first, it can say a lot about your attitude to life.
The Powerful Mind tells us that if the first thing you see are the columns, you’re more inclined towards security and calm. You’re a person who likes to plan things before you start. You prefer to have very clear objectives and not jump in without knowing what’s going to happen. What if the two silhouettes were the first thing that came to mind? Then you’re probably someone who’s more inclined to do impulsive things. You’re probably a bit of an outsider. Your curiosity prevents you from sitting still and you’re rather impatient.
Male or Female?
What do you see in the image above? If you see the back of a young woman’s head, according to the New Zealand Herald, you’re a curious person. You like to see the positive side of things in life. You’re altruistic, you like to donate to charity and you like to help those in need. At the same time, you’re careful when making decisions to make sure you don’t act on impulse. You pay attention to every detail.
Have you seen an old man with a moustache? Then you’re a loyal, trustworthy person with a good head on your shoulders. You’re loyal and honest, always ready to solve problems and to lead and guide those around you. You’re a perfectionist, and your need to always find the best way to do things can lead to a lot of stress.
Explosion or hands?
What do you see in Israeli artist Noma Bar’s work of art? If the center’s colorful imagery makes you think of an explosion, the list of wonders would say you’re a person with great organizational skills. And you’re a good leader.
Perhaps you immediately saw thumbs in the dark space. This means that you are extremely kind to others and show great empathy. You’re willing to do whatever you can for those around you and will always fight for justice.
Bottom or top?
This illusion has several perspectives, according to The Powerful Mind, depending on your gender. Are you a woman? If the first thing you see is a man’s face, you’re longing for a passionate, romantic relationship, or you’re already happy with your partner. If the first thing you see is a woman’s face? This means you’re a strong, confident, independent woman who likes to be in charge of her own life.
If you’re a man and you saw the woman’s face first, you’re looking for a long-term relationship. If you saw the man’s face first, you may feel like you’re competing with other men right now: at work, in your group of friends or in other situations.
Bird or lynx?
This amazing optical illusion was created by Funding Circle, a British investment company. They use this image for interviews to see the true colors of their candidates. Thanks to your answer to the simple question “What did you see first?”, they can determine the role that best suits you. Which category do you fall into? Did you see the lynx or the bird first?
If you saw the lynx first, Funding Circle thinks you’re someone who can keep the big idea in mind when making decisions. That means you’re cut out for brainstorming, team-building and project management jobs. Did you see the bird first? In that case, you’re a hands-on person who’d be perfect for a creative job.
Skull or woman?
This image was created in 1892 by Charles Allan Gilbert and is entitled “All is Vanity”. Depending on how your brain processes the illustration, you may see either a frightening skull or a woman looking into a mirror. The following explains what your interpretation of the illustration means.
If you saw the skull first, you often see the whole picture. You also think that we’re all basically the same. If the woman caught your eye first, you focus more on the details and are often much more egotistical and narcissistic. How you interpret this image can also show you how you perceive yourself and the world around you. Interesting stuff!
Your interpretation of this image says a lot about your vision of love. If you saw the old man first, while you may derive pleasure from grand romantic gestures and gifts, it’s not the way to your heart. Your relationships require constant work to make sure you stay in tune with each other. Perhaps you saw the man on the horse first? You’re probably still looking for Prince (or Princess) Charming on a white horse. By doing so, you risk missing out on other opportunities.
The animal kingdom
Several animals are visible in the image above. You’ve probably already noticed the elephant, but how many animals do you see if you look longer? Do you see the cat, the dog, the donkey? The number of animals you can find says a lot about your personality.
The Wonder List says you don’t pay much attention to detail if you only see three animals at most. Do you see between four and seven? In that case, you may be fairly alert, but you lack a little perseverance. See more than eight? Then you have a natural talent for finding the smallest details. Can you find them all? We’ll reveal how many are hidden in this picture on the last page.
Old or young?
This work of art, entitled Forever Always, was created by Mexican artist Octavio Ocampo. His art confronts the public with multiple interpretations. In his own words, “Nothing is quite as it seems”. What first caught your eye in this image? The old or the young?
Did you see the older couple reminiscing about their youth, a carefree, joyful time? You’ve lived a joyful life. You’re happy with the way things turned out and have no regrets. Have you seen the young couple? Then you’re probably still in a spontaneous, adventurous phase of your life. You surround yourself with great people.